Try for free
Use the free plan to create a website and host it on our subdomain. Upgrade to use your own domain.
Form integrations
Unicorn Platform saves your time by giving you pre-made integrations to collect emails and leads.
Free SSL & CDN
All your websites are protected with individual SSL certificates and distributed via CDN.
Create a blog
Edit your landing page and promote it with blog posts. All from a single place.
Accept payments
Enjoy secure and seamless Stripe Checkout integration. Accept both one-time purchase and recurring payments.
Widgets and embeds
Connect Intercom, Drip, Crisp, Google Forms, Maps, or any other widget on the whole website or on a specific page.
Unicorn Platform is a landing page builder for startups. You get startup-specific integrations, components and features.
Templates gallery
Use one of our pre-designed templates to create a complete website in seconds.
Add custom html, js or css code to all website or to a specific page. Connect any widgets or integrations.
All components will perform brilliantly on both desktop and mobile devices.
Download any website as an HTML file. We will let you go away.
Try the builder with no upfront paying.
Custom code
1 published website
Remove Unicorn Branding
Subdomain only
10 blog posts
0 collaborators
For aspiring makers who have some experience.
Custom domain
Custom code
1 published website
HTML export
Remove Unicorn branding
10 blog posts
0 collaborators
For serious projects who need a reliable website.
Custom domain
Custom code
1 published website
HTML export
Remove Unicorn branding
Unlimited blog posts
1 collaborator
You have many projects which need a nice website.
Custom domain
Custom code
3 published websites
HTML export
Remove Unicorn branding
Unlimited blog posts
∞ collaborators