Investing power to you

A stock screener and education platform all-in-one that helps you manage your own investments.

Lifetime access to TYKR

✔️ Reduce the risk of losing money

✔️ Remove the fear of managing your own investments

✔️ Save money while managing your own investments

✔️ Know when to buy when stocks are going down

✔️ Know when to sell when stocks are going up

✔️ Easy-to-use dashboard safely guides you

✔️ Find great stocks before they become mainstream news

✔️ 20-Year proven annual returns between 10% and 96%

✔️ 20-Year history outperforming the S&P 500

✔️ Layman's terms language makes investing easy to understand

✔️ A source of truth to avoid bad advice


TYKR helps you manage your own investments and beat the market so you can retire early.
  • TYKR teaches you when to buy and sell stocks, removing the emotions and guesswork from investing
  • TYKR gives you a reason WHY a stock is a good or bad investment -- in seconds, you can see truth
  • TYKR finds great investments before they become mainstream popular stocks
  • Best for: Beginner and advanced investors who want to reduce risk, save time, save money, and increase their annual returns


TYKR makes it very easy to identify undervalued stocks and gives important insights on how to invest. 

The CEO & Founder is very nice and committed to improve TYKR further.


Node mobile app for mobile notifications.

Need non-US stocks. 


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!