1 courses
1 pages
2 admins
Unlimited users
Documents - link Word, Excel, and PDF materials
Audio - link audiobooks, podcasts, etc.
Video - link YouTube, Vimeo, or AWS secure video clips
Communications - connect Slack and Microsoft Teams
Social Media - include links to your most important accounts
Surveys - add SurveyMonkey and Google Sheets
Mobile responsive
Edit content, images, and design assets
Add images, videos, music, and sound effects
Game-powered - 40+ tasks award points and badges
Interactive training
Unlimited templates
Publish to an unlimited audience
5 courses
5 pages
5 admins
Unlimited users
Documents - link Word, Excel, and PDF materials
Audio - link audiobooks, podcasts, etc.
Video - link YouTube, Vimeo, or AWS secure video clips
Communications - connect Slack and Microsoft Teams
Social Media - include links to your most important accounts
Surveys - add SurveyMonkey and Google Sheets
Mobile responsive
Edit content, images, and design assets
Add images, videos, music, and sound effects
Game-powered - 40+ tasks award points and badges
Interactive training
Unlimited templates
Publish to an unlimited audience
15 courses
15 pages
5 admins
Unlimited users
Documents - link Word, Excel, and PDF materials
Audio - link audiobooks, podcasts, etc.
Video - link YouTube, Vimeo, or AWS secure video clips
Communications - connect Slack and Microsoft Teams
Social Media - include links to your most important accounts
Surveys - add SurveyMonkey and Google Sheets
Mobile responsive
Edit content, images, and design assets
Add images, videos, music, and sound effects
Game-powered - 40+ tasks award points and badges
Interactive training
Unlimited templates
Publish to an unlimited audience