Remembers all your passwords, logins and more.
Automatically fills out forms and logs you in.
Generates superstrong passwords anytime you need.
Keeps your credit cards safe and ready for checkout.
Protects your private notes and other text data.
Syncs your encrypted data across all your devices.
Lets you securely share your passwords and logins.
Enables Emergency Access to safeguard your online legacy.
Works on all your devices and supports 17 browsers.
Works even on USB and memory cards.
Helps save endangered manatees.
Secures your data just like the military.
Unlimited encrypted password and data storage.
Automatic form‑filling and autologin.
Superstrong password generator.
Secure digital wallet.
Secure notes.
2‑factor authentication.
Biometric authentication.
USB portable version (Windows).
For all your devices & browsers.
Cloud and local WiFi sync across all your devices.
Secure cloud backup for your passwords and data.
Secure password sharing.
Emergency Access
Saving endangered manatees.
Priority support.
Unlimited encrypted password and data storage.
Automatic form‑filling and autologin.
Superstrong password generator.
Secure digital wallet.
Secure notes.
2‑factor authentication.
Biometric authentication.
USB portable version (Windows).
For all your devices & browsers.
Cloud and local WiFi sync across all your devices.
Secure cloud backup for your passwords and data.
Secure password sharing.
Emergency Access
Saving endangered manatees.
Priority support.