Discover Lifelong Learning

Explore thousands of hands-on creative classes with one inspiring membership.

Always More Inspiration to Discover

No matter your skill level, you’ll find so much to learn in a wide range of creative categories.

Graphic Design & Illustration

Master design software and principles. Level up your digital and traditional drawing techniques.

Photo, Video & Animation

Create compelling images and video that moves your audience.

Crafts & Fine Arts

Make it, paint it, sculpt it, sew it. Discover real hands-on projects for learning.

Lifestyle, Productivity, Freelance & More

Pursue endless creative exploration for personal and professional growth.

Get access to Skillshare

Unlimited access to over 35,000 Skillshare courses

Access to the student community where you can engage in discussions with other students taking the courses you’re taking

Download Skillshare classes for offline viewing (currently only available on tablets and phones, not available on desktops)

Discounts on other creative platforms, including SquareSpace and Adobe Creative Cloud.


Skillshare is an online learning platform with thousands of creative courses and classes taught by experts to help you learn new skills.
  • Skillshare lets you dabble in new skills, and you might even find some classes that challenge you in meaningful ways. 
  • Its focus has changed to skills for creative people, including business development, using software, and memoir writing. 
  • Skillshare's great range of content makes it easy to recommend to anyone looking to learn new skills or sharpen existing ones.


Free one month trial

Varied content topics all suited to creative types


No guarantee that instructors participate in community features

Quality of courses vary


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!