Discover the secret to polished and professional writing

9 out of 10 writers make the same mistakes. ProWritingAid gives you clear, easy steps to improve your writing so you can share your ideas with confidence.

Lifetime access to ProWritingAid

Lifetime access to ProWritingAid Premium Lifetime License Plan

No word count limitations

Access to all ProWritingAid integrations

ProWritingAid's Writing Resource Library

Customizable style guides and author comparisons

Free events and training for writers


ProWritingAid is an AI-powered editing tool for writers, students, and professionals.
  • You can hit accept all changes on your spellcheck, but it won’t make you a better writer. The key to stronger written communication is to understand why you're making changes.
  • ProWritingAid shines by going beyond surface-level fixes, offering a grammar checker, style editor, and writing mentor in one package. With 20 different writing reports, you’ll be able to boost the clarity and power of everything you write.
  • You'll find more integrations than any other editing software, with add-ons for Microsoft Word, Google Docs, Scrivener, Final Draft, Chrome, Firefox, and more.


Provides thousands of spelling, grammar, and readability improvements in real time.

Offers writing reports that highlight elements such as cliches, vague wording, repetitiveness, etc.


No additional features such as a translator and plagiarism checker.

Lack of the training that was provided at the same price on a previous deal.


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!