Win your next presentation

Poised is the AI-powered communication coach that helps you speak with confidence and clarity. Private and secure, an essential tool for digital-first workplaces.


Tier 1



1 user

3 meetings per week

CheckApps for Mac and Windows

CheckReal-time feedback

CheckAnalyze and track trends and progress

CheckResults-driven learning content

CheckFast track progress with a personalized assessment and trends over time

CheckFeedback on filler words, eye contact, tones, facial expressions, conciseness, encouragement, pausing, and more

CheckWorks with 800+ communication tools, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Google Meet

Tier 2



1 user

Unlimited meetings per week

CheckApps for Mac and Windows

CheckReal-time feedback

CheckAnalyze and track trends and progress

CheckResults-driven learning content

CheckFast track progress with a personalized assessment and trends over time

CheckFeedback on filler words, eye contact, tones, facial expressions, conciseness, encouragement, pausing, and more

CheckWorks with 800+ communication tools, including Zoom, Microsoft Teams, Slack, and Google Meet

Poised is an AI-powered speech coach that gives you real-time and retrospective feedback on your virtual meetings.
  • Get real-time feedback on your speech during virtual meetings, along with a recap of every conversation with detailed insights
  • Track your progress as you improve your communication, and access personalized educational content from top speech experts
  • Best for Product managers, Sales managers, Solopreneurs
  • Alternative to Microsoft Teams Speaker Coach.


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!