Conversion Rate Optimization Tools

Track, analyze, and convert your visitors into buyers


All clicks on the website are recorded and displayed in real-time.

SEO checker

Continuously collect important SEO tags from your website.

Session Replay

Understand how your visitors behave on the website.

Event Tracking

Quickly synchronize all events with Google Analytics.

Pop-Up Forms

Quick customisation of versatile popup forms

Sales Performance

Each item on the site page is assigned purchase information.

Conversion Funnel

See where website visitors drop off, what pages they ignore.

Net Promoter Score

Are you looking for an excellent way to collect feedback?





✓Pageviews per day: 2000

✓Heatmaps reports: 3 views/day

✓Video sessions: 100

✓Displaying forms and NPS: 1

✓Collecting leads: 50

✓Clicks on banners: 100

✓SEO audit, pages per day: 10

✓Comparison of days in SEO audit: Today

✓API Google Search Console: 10/pages

✓Months of storage: 1




✓Pageviews per day: 10000

✓Heatmaps reports: Unlimited

✓Video sessions: 1000

✓Displaying forms and NPS: 3

✓Collecting leads: 500

✓Clicks on banners: 1000

✓SEO audit, pages per day: 2000

✓Comparison of days in SEO audit: Today/Yesterday

✓API Google Search Console: 2000/pages

✓Months of storage: 3




✓Pageviews per day: 25000

✓Heatmaps reports: Unlimited

✓Video sessions: 2000

✓Displaying forms and NPS: 5

✓Collecting leads: 2000

✓Clicks on banners: Unlimited

✓SEO audit, pages per day: Today/Yesterday

✓Comparison of days in SEO audit: 5000

✓API Google Search Console: 5000/pages

✓Months of storage: 6




✓Pageviews per day: 50000

✓Heatmaps reports: Unlimited

✓Video sessions: 10000

✓Displaying forms and NPS: 10

✓Collecting leads: Unlimited

✓Clicks on banners: Unlimited

✓SEO audit, pages per day: 10000

✓Comparison of days in SEO audit: 30 days

✓API Google Search Console: 10000/pages

✓Months of storage: 6


Plerdy is a multifunctional tool that offers heatmaps, session recording, click tracking, and more to analyze user behavior and improve site design.
  • Track user behavior with key metrics like clicks, traffic type, and device
  • Alternative to: Hotjar
  • Use heatmaps and UX/SEO analytics to make informed decisions for optimizing your website
  • Best for: SEO agencies, UX specialists, and web designers looking for user-driven data to level up their sites and boost sales


The tracking code of Plerdy is straightforward to install (it only takes 30 seconds).


Limited websites.


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!