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Become a Secret member to get access to big savings on 210+ SaaS and join a community of founders.

Lifetime access to Join Secret

Lifetime Access to Join Secret's Unlimited Plan
Access to over 200 offers
Access to AWS credits
Access to Airtable Credits
Access to OHV cloud credits
Access to Microsoft Credits


Join Secret is the ultimate marketplace for startups to find great deals and resources to build their company. It helps startups succeed in growing their business by connecting them with many free deals.
  • Airtable – $1,000 credits for startups (lifetime validity)
  • Amazon AWS credits – $5,000 in AWS credits for 2 years.
  • Stripe Credits – Up to $24,000 free transactions on Stripe
  • Microsoft for Startups – Up to $120,000 in Azure Cloud Credits
  • OVHCloud credits – Up to $120,000 in OVHcloud credits
  • IBM cloud credits – 10,000/month in IBM Cloud credits for up to one year


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!