LinkedIn automation platform, profile scraper & email finder

Find, engage and convert an ideal prospect into a customer, all in one lead intelligence and sales automation platform

Overcome 100 connection requests per week limit

Find prospects' emails and LinkedIn URLs in our 143-million record database

Easily start Invite-by-email campaigns & create follow-ups

Send up to 1000 connection requests per week


1 month

500 credits


/seat per month

3 months

1,500 credits


/seat per month

6 months

3,000 credits


/seat per month

3 months

6,000 credits


/seat per month


Closely is a cloud-based lead engagement platform for LinkedIn with dedicated residential proxies. Put outreach activities on autopilot so you can focus on what matters the most — closing deals.
  • Cloud-based LinkedIn automation with a dedicated proxy (included)
  • Send up to 900 automated connection requests and follow-up messages per week
  • Organize your sales funnel via unified inbox with conversation tagging
  • Reveal email contacts to use with Closely or third-party tools of your choice


Different types of campaigns.

UI looks good, very simple to use.


Speed limitations.

Need more statistical information.


All great deals must come to an end. There’s still time to grab these incredible tools before they leave the store!